Donations and Sponsorships Requests

Donations and Sponsorships Requests

Guidelines and Eligibility Requirements

  • Donations/ Sponsorships request to benefit an individual’s cause or a single family’s cause are not eligible.
  • Donations must go to benefit a Nonprofit Organization with a tax exemption 501(c)(3). However, requests from schools or school-affiliated programs will be considered.
  • Requests for Booster Clubs will NOT be considered. Only school requests that directly benefit the kids in a tangible, measurable way will be considered.
  • Checks will be made payable to an Organization, NEVER to an individual. They will be delivered in person to a representative or contact at the organization’s office or physical location. Checks mailed outside the Coastal Bend Area will not be eligible.
  • Donations must directly benefit the Coastal Bend Area Population.
  • All requests must be submitted by filling out the official Sponsorship/ Donation form online below.