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The gym is a 6500 sq.ft. area for conditioning and strengthening and for Work Hardening and Work Conditioning. This gym is equipped with the most up to date state of the art equipment available to the physical therapy industry such as Landice,Trotter & PreCor Treadmills, Zuni Unloader Exercise System, recumbent and spinner bikes, Elliptical Cross Trainers, Biodex upper body cycles, isokinetic Lido machine, BTE Work Simulator, parallel bars, free hand weights, Cybex bench presses, Cybex FT 360 Multi Gym, Body Master presses, Body Master super leg press, several Total Gyms, Galileo Cable Crossover, Body Master Multi Hip, Body Master Leg Curl, Body Master Back Extension, Body Master Multi Gym, Smith Machine Fixed Bar Bench & Squat, Impulse Inertial Exerciser, Plyoback Tramp with Weighted Balls, Work Cube, ergonomic mat tables and a Cryo/Temp – Combination Cold and Intermittent Pressure Unit.

The glassed-in area near the rear double doors is the Work Hardening/Conditioning Room for messy and/or noisy projects and activities. The darkened room is the Hand Therapy Department and the opened double doors lead to the Treatment Area with 15 large treatment rooms and a Hydro Therapy Room for full body and extremity whirlpools.