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Special Rehabilitation

Hand Therapy Program

Injuries such as tendonitis, arthritis, and post surgical cases can be effectively treated with PT. Hands that have been exposed to severe trauma often make up the majority of the most difficult cases. Due to the proximity of various structures such as tendons, muscles, bones and ligaments, hand rehabilitation can be challenging but rewarding. The hand is very mobile and is capable of many movements. Proper rehabilitation focusing on functioning and the balance of edema (swelling) and pain control are key.

McKenzie Evaluation / Rehabilitation

The McKenzie Method was developed by a Physical Therapist named Robin McKenzie. This method of evaluation looks at repeated movements in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine to aid in the assessment of spinal pain. Various movements and positions that the patient is asked to, or is put in, produces different signs that lead to the determination of the cause of pain. The treatment involves using repeated movements frequently throughout therapy and the instruction of a home exercise program to help control pain.

Orthotics Evaluation / Fabrication

The use of foot orthotics (shoe inserts) have proven to be a very effective tool to help patients with plantar fascitis, over pronation and Morton’s Neuroma. Basically, the procedure goes like this: The Physical Therapist evaluates the feet in regard to the positioning of the ankle joints in standing, by determining the ‘joint play’ in the patients’ feet and even looking at callus formation. These observations along with foot impressions are then used to make a pair of foot orthotics that will benefit the patient.

Patellofemoral Rehabilitation

Knee pain that occurs between the kneecap (patella) and the femur (big leg bone) is referred to as ‘Patello Femoral Pain’. The patient will usually experience pain here due to overuse, improper footwear, trauma or even due to growing. Younger females tend to have slightly higher incidence of PFP than males, possibly due to the different growth rates or stresses at the knees.

McConnell Taping

Taping has been used for many years as an effective method to control pain, improve function and even increase stability of a joint. The most common areas that taping is used in physical therapy are the knees (to treat PFP), shoulders and the ankles. The taping procedure for the knee will position the patella away from the symptomatic contact point and improve tracking through the patellofemoral groove.

Athletic Rehab (Sport Specific)

We can design a rehabilitation program according to the injured athletes sport. Whatever the sport, a detailed activity-specific program can be generated that concentrates on specific areas. Weak areas in the athlete’s performance can be determined and then enhanced through proper exercises allowing the sport to be safely resumed much sooner.

Pre Operative/Post Op Program

Often it is very important to improve strength and endurance of an individual before surgery. Here, it is important to develop the muscles and increase blood flow to vital areas before surgery to aid in the rehabilitation process after surgery. Post surgical programs concentrate on controlling swelling, improving pain free range of motion, and increasing strength and endurance within the patient’s tolerance.

ACL Rehabilitation

The level of activity that a patient is allowed to perform following Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction surgery is determined by the surgeon and the patient’s condition. More aggressive approaches involve getting the patient moving the day following surgery, whereas more conservative protocols may wait up to two weeks. It is very important to regain both passive and active ranges of motion as soon as possible after surgery. The controlling of ongoing edema (swelling) and pain is also necessary.

Zuni Unloading

This is a procedure with an apparatus that allows the patient to walk with less than their normal body weight. The patient wears a harness that is attached to an overhead cable. As the patient walks on a treadmill, the cable is tightened, thus reducing the patient’s weight. This simulates aquatic therapy except offers no water resistance. This machine is very useful for anyone with lower extremity injuries or low back pain.

Thoracic-Outlet Syndrome Rehabilitation

The ‘Thoracic Outlet’ is an area that is near to the armpit that nerves travel through. This tunnel is formed by muscle, bone (ribs) and soft tissues. If any of these structures that form the tunnel are swollen, displaced or tighter than normal, the size of the tunnel can become smaller and pinch the nerves. Symptoms can be numbness, tingling, pain and weakness. The rehab process will attempt to increase the size of the space for these nerve roots to travel through thus reducing or eliminating the pain.

Aquatic Rehabilitation Program

Water is an excellent form of therapy. Water lessens the effects of gravity and translates to less stress on joints, bones and muscles while exercising. The treatment of rheumatic diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and polymyositis is probably the most common usage of aquatic therapy, although most conditions respond favorably because more exercises are performed pain free, resulting in a more compliant patient.

Pregnancy (Pre/Post Natal Care)

Pregnant women often develop back pain or even sacro-iliac pain. The loosening of ligamental tissue in the preparation for birth is often the cause of this pain. PT before birth can aid in strengthening muscles and tissues and after birth can help regain lost strength and endurance. Various modalities such as massage, electrical stimulation and therapeutic moist heat can help ease pain.

Isokinetic Evaluation / Rehabilitation

Isokinetic refers to the motion taking place that is controlled in speed and direction. Here, a machine is used to exercise a joint through a certain pre-determined range of motion and speed. The speed can be changed to test strength or endurance and can also be used in the rehabilitation process in order to retrain musculature.

Fall Prevention Program

This is a program designed to identify and address the risk factors involved in falling or near falls. Some of the factors involved include muscle weakness, vestibular involvement, improper use of assistive devices, diabetes, and Parkinson’s. Once the factors are identified, a program is designed to focus on the patient’s individual needs. Therapeutic exercise, balance and coordination activities, gait training, and vestibular rehabilitation to name a few.