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Therapeutic Exercise

Home Program

Every effective rehabilitation program involves some sort of HEP (home exercise program). Here, the patient is given certain stretches, exercises or even reading to be done that is specific to their injury or problem. These HEP’s can be progressed as tolerated by the patient at home.

Directed Gym Program

The completion of therapeutic exercises is an integral part of the rehabilitation process. Exercises can include any of stretching, strengthening and/or endurance training. The programs developed in a rehabilitation setting are often specific to that patient’s injury and involve exercising certain muscle groups only. Once those areas have been effectively targeted, then other ‘whole body’ exercises are often introduced.

Directed Pool Program

Aquatic exercise has been around for centuries but has experienced a recent surge in popularity during the last few years. Virtually any exercise performed with our land based protocols can be simulated in our heated pools with significantly less loading of the joints. Our aquatic exercise protocols encompass endurance, strength, and flexibility training as well as assist the patient with transitioning to functional activities such as walking and stair climbing.

Gait Training

This involves a physical therapist assisting a patient in walking. Proper training helps the patient gain independence and minimizes the risk of falling causing re-injury. Assistive devices such as canes, walkers or crutches are often used. Developing other skills such as static and dynamic balance in standing and walking are very important. Ensuring that the patient can effectively ambulate (walk) over obstacles such as ramps, curbs and on uneven terrain is also a goal.