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Patient Forms


We at Humpal Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Center welcome you to one of the most complete and progressive rehabilitation centers available in this area. Since our inception in 1989, we have continually expanded the scope of our services and we have become the major Physical Therapy Provider in the communities we serve.

Our professional health care staff, advanced equipment, and comprehensive personalized care will provide the necessary support needed in order to resume a more active, productive life.

Your Individualized Therapeutic Program

Upon your arrival, our professional team will begin working toward the goal of returning you to a maximum level of activity. Achieving this goal can sometimes be a real challenge to you and our team. To help meet this challenge, we will set up a complete program which will be designed to accommodate your specific needs, goals and life-style. This individually tailored program entails a three step process.

  • Evaluation
  • Treatment
  • Follow Up


In this initial phase, information is gathered about your condition. A brief medical history will be taken followed by observation, special tests and measurements, palpation and consultation. Once collected, this information is carefully evaluated and then used to develop and implement your own personalized treatment plan and therapy goals.

History- You can provide valuable insight as to the nature and severity of your condition by answering such questions as to how and when the injury occurred and by detailing your other significant medical history.

Observation – Additional data can be obtained about your condition through the observation of various activities such as bending, walking, sitting, standing, flexion, extension, etc.

Consultation- Your Physical Therapist will consult with you initially and throughout your treatment visits to gain a better insight to your pain and discomfort, to explain your treatment plan, monitor progress, and to make changes to your treatment plan if needed.

Special Tests- Various tests are administered by your therapist depending on your specific impairment. Tests are designed to pinpoint the structures casusing your pain so that an individualized treatment plan may be implemented.


The treatment plan is based on findings from the evaluation process. Even though each treatment plan is unique, all are aimed at addressing one or more of the following therapy goals:

Improve Functional Performance- The performance of daily activities may be impaired from a recent surgery or injury. To improve performance, approaches may include exercise programs, educational programs and adaptive devices such as braces and simplification of the home and work environment.

Improve Muscle Strength- Optimal movement is dependent on adequate muscle strength. Muscles may be weakened by surgery or injury, or simply from lack of use. Your therapist may help improve strength by making your muscles work harder using specific exercise programs.

Improve Mobility- The degree of joint mobility can be diminished following injury, illness, or surgery. Your therapist may use a “hands-on” technique known as joint and soft tissue mobilization or stretching exercises to help restore restricted movement.

Reduce Pain & Swelling- Pain and swelling may result from injury, inflammation, or restricted movement. To reduce this discomfort, we may use hot and cold treatments, exercises, modalities, or a combination of all. Muscle soreness may occur after 1st treatment session. This soreness should resolve within 2-3 days.

Follow Up

Your involvement in this phase is critical because proper feedback from you is required to determine what type of treatment has been most beneficial to you and what changes, if any, need to be made to your treatment plan to speed your recovery.

Re-evaluation- Your treatment plan and your progress will be reviewed periodically to determine if your therapy goals are being obtained. In the event the therapist, or you, feel that adequate progress is not being made, a more aggressive approach will be taken.

Patient Monitoring- The therapist(s) monitoring your progress will establish lines of communication with you and your doctor. Any new improvements or changes in your condition will be reported to your referring physician.

Education- Our philosophy is to promote programs of preventative medicine and education. We do so by teaching proper body mechanics and how to prevent re-injury to your affected area. We also instruct you on Home Exercise Programs specific to your condition.

Note: Physical Therapy Prescriptions should be continued for the frequency and duration as prescribed by your Doctor for maximum effectiveness. Mere absence of pain does not warrant the discontinuation of treatment. Consult with Doctor or Therapist before discontinuing prescriped treatment.

General Information


We generally provide services by appointment only. Walk-ins are accepted, however patients with appointments will be given first priority. The average wait time for an appointment is less than 10 minutes. If you miss your appointment and walk in at a later time or show up before your scheduled appointment, you will be seen as soon as possible, but patients with “on-time” appointments will be given first priority.

Treatment Hours

Corpus Christi M-Th. 8:00 – 7:00 Fri. 8:00 – 6:00
Calallen M-Th. 8:00 – 7:00 Fri. 8:00 – 5:00
Alice M-Th. 8:30 – 6:30 Fri. 8:30 – 5:00
Portland M-Th. 8:00 – 7:00 Fri. 8:00 – 5:00
Aransas Pass M-Th. 8:00 – 6:00 Fri. 8:00 – 5:00
Rockport M-Th. 8:00 – 6:00 Fri. 8:00 – 5:00

Treatment Hrs CLOSED during lunch 12:00-1:30 all locations

Business Offices CC, Alice, AP, Calallen, Portland – OPEN during Lunch

(Please allow at least 1 hour for visits when scheduling appts.)


We are providers for almost all of the major Managed Care Plans, Medicare, Medicaid, Workers Comp and Liability Carriers. We will verify your insurance benefits to notify you of your costs up front. We also will work with you to utilize your out-of-network benefits if we are not a provider for your insurance company. Click here for Insurance Plans.

What To Wear or Bring

We recommend that you wear or bring comfortable, loose fitted clothing for regular treatment. If you are to receive aquatic therapy, you will also need to bring your swim suit and a towel.

Our Professional Team

From your initial visit, our skilled health care team will be working with you addressing your specific needs to design your personalized treatment plan. We provide the most modern and progressive treatment available to our industry. We are committed to evidence-based practice and utilize current research in addition to participating in continuing education courses to provide you with the highest level of healthcare available.

Physical Therapists

– Licensed P.T.s are key members of our health care team specially trained to improve movement and function, relieve pain, and promote optimal health.

Physical Therapist Assistants

– Licensed P.T.A.s work directly with the P.T. administering your patient treatment plan. The P.T.A. works under direct supervision of the P.T.(s) which enables each patient to have more than one professional involved in their recovery.

Physical Therapy Technicians

– Technicians are trained in most areas of patient care. Their primary duties are administering all passive modalities such as hot packs, cold packs, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, massage, and also supervise exercise programs. They administer a lot of smiles and caring attitudes that contribute greatly to each patient’s successful recovery.

New Patient Forms

You can download the registration forms needed to begin your treatment. if you download forms and come in with your forms completed, it will not be necessary to come in 30 minutes early for your first visit. Different types of patients require different forms. ALL patients will need the New Patient Forms. In ADDITION to the new patient forms, Workers Comp patients and Motor Vehicle Accident patients will ALSO need to complete an additional form(s).

Please download The New Patient Forms, PLUS any other category that you might belong in.

Please complete the forms and bring with you, along with your Doctors prescription, on your first visit.

A Doctors prescription is no longer required for your first 10 visits due to the recently passed “Direct Access” Law in Texas. If you plan to visit your Doctor before visiting, download the prescription file for your doctor to complete and sign and you can be treated for several weeks if needed.

Click here to download prescription

Click the files you need below:

All new patients click here

PLUS—Click on the category below if it also applies to you:

Workers Comp

Motor Vehicle Accident